Truth About Buses

Think you know buses? There are many myths about this form of mass transportation but here are the facts:

A primary cause of NYC street congestion is too many buses choking traffic flow
Per American Bus Association Foundation, each bus potentially takes 55 cars off the road, reduces congestion, saves fuel and significantly reduces emissions.
A primary cause of NYC street congestion is too many buses choking traffic.
The BUS industry is a viable transportation solution, a critical economic engine powering NYC business and tourism marketplace.
Buses are given preferential treatment NYC.
To the contrary, private bus in NYC have experienced a rise in non-safety related tickets, reduced parking options, and overburdened drivers who must comply with mandated driving hour limits.
NYC streets would be much better off without buses.
Buses in NYC reduce congestion and air pollution. Efficiencies include a busload of passengers traveling together, not in separate vehicles to the same place.
No need for private buses. Public transportation is more than enough.
Private buses provide public transport, especially in “local transit deserts” plus deliver safe rides to millions of tourists, commuters and area residents.
BUS4NYC opposes current congestion pricing plan for NYC.
BUS4NYC supports congestion pricing and agrees with the Fix NYC report recommending all buses should be exempt. Before the plan is implemented, the riding public needs equality in how investments are made.
Plenty of parking for buses, so there is no reason for buses to keep circling around the city creating traffic problems.
With the elimination of hundreds of spots, areas and zones once utilized for temporary parking for buses, drivers are often forced to remain in motion for longer periods of time which impacts overall quality of life for both the driver and the streets on which they operate.
Buses are inefficient, filthy and remain major contributors to air pollution in NYC.
According to an extensive scientific study conducted on behalf of the American Bus Association, today’s modern fleet of buses use the least amount of energy and produce the lowest carbon dioxide emissions per passenger mile as compared to van pools, heavy rail, commuter rail, light rail and trolleys.